Saturday, May 14, 2011


Cool and drizzley all day today. Absolutely perfect weather for gardening and yard work. The kids and I weeded and turned over the soil in the garden. Luke was a great help. Lily, not so much. I swear she was channeling Jill and Rachel. She didn't want to get dirty. It was too cool. It was too much work. She didn't know what were plants and what were weeds. Finally, after about 10 minutes, I sent her into the house to clean her room.

I spent much of the day mowing lawn. The grass was so high and damp I had to go in 1st gear. Charlie wasn't here except in the morning and at lunch. He rented a Dingo and was loading up huge tree pieces to bring here. The plan is to cut them in to managable pieces for the outdoor furnace when he has more time.

Soccer practice was cancelled this morning due to the rain/dampness. The kids didn't seem to mind at all. They made me very proud, playing together nicely while I was out mowing.

Hoping to plant the garden tomorrow, if it doesn't rain. Mom & Dad have almost all their plants planted, so I'm not even sure why I'm bothering. Dad has been buying seeds by the POUND for months now. Barring a catastrophe, they should have enough produce to feed a 3rd world country.

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