Sunday, April 1, 2012

4-1-2012 Aprils Fools' Festivus for the Rest of Us

     As has become our tradition, I got Charlie and Lily first thing this morning with an April Fools' joke. I went to the mailbox to get the Sunday paper. I came back into the house all excited and yelled that someone had dropped off a box of kittens in the ditch behind the mailbox. Charlie jumped out of bed to get clothes on and Lily ran down with me to check them out, begging and petitioning the entire way down to please, please, please let her keep them. Oh, I got them good.

     Luke could not be fooled.

     Mom and Dad came down for lunch. We had anti pasta salad, pizza, cheese steak hoagies, and stromboli from Mimo's. All very good. Then hung out for the afternoon. It was our Easter celebration as well as celebrating Dad's 64th birthday which will be April 7th. We did the celebrating today because Mom is working for Dad's birthday and Easter. We're flexible like that.

     Now to do a bit of backtracking. Charlie and our employee Ryan were here last week doing work around the property. They put the dock back on down at the river. Then they built an absolutely lovely riverside porch. They also trimmed branches and chipped those branches into mulch.

     A few weeks ago, Charlie's dad was here for a few days and created a new path from the wood pile to the outdoor furnace. Then the remaining areas which had been ruined by Gradall tracks were graded and planted in grass.

     I'll have to post some pictures of the various projects. we currently have tulips, daffodils, grape hyacinth, forsythia, and primrose in bloom. The flowering cherry trees and Jacob's ladder are just getting ready to bloom. It's cool and rainy today. Hopefully, perfect for all the grass that's planted around the property to grow. I'd much rather let the skies do the watering than me!