Monday, April 9, 2012

4-9-2012 Oh What a Night!

What a night we had! For reasons that escape me in the clear light of day, we decided to try out the new air mattresses and sleeping bags the Easter Bunny brought the kids. We set up the tent on the new front porch. Everything would have been fine except for two issues. Gale force winds throughout the night and a low of 46, much lower with the windchill, I'm sure.

I would have gladly come into the house in the middle of the night, but I was afraid Charlie and the kids would blow away without me. It was crazy windy. The wind sounded like a freight train as it flew up along the river. It was so incredibly loud!

This morning I took Lily to Shady Maple for breakfast since we were up early enough to beat the crowds and she said she'd really looked forward to it all of Easter break. Now I'm exhausted as is Charlie and Luke. Lily actually slept pretty good in the tent.

Can't wait to sleep in my warm cozy bed tonight.

It's our 10th wedding anniversary. I don't think we're doing anything to celebrate today. We'll celebrate when Mom and Dad have the kids for the weekend. This weekend or in two weeks.

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