Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6-02-2010 Memorial Day Weekend

Kids are back in school after a nice long weekend for Memorial Day. We had such a great time together. Saturday we had Lily's 6th birthday party and surprised her with an inflatable pool with a slide. She (and Luke) loves it! Both sets of grandparents came and hung out and enjoyed each other's company. Saturday night we decided to sleep out in the tent set up in the back 40. First, things first...smores. Then we crawled into the tent. Funny thing, we weren't the only ones crawling around in there. There were plenty of bugs to keep us company. Luke decided he wanted to sleep in the house and Lily and I were right there with him. I was thinking "thank God he's suggesting going into the house" b/c I did not want to be the 1 to shout it out 1st. But, I bet I really was the 1st 1 to think it. Charlie stuck it out in the tent. We went in and snuggled together in my bed and all watched TV until we fell asleep. Paradise according to both kids. I agree. Charlie heard stray cats carrying on and got drenched when the skies opened up around midnight. Charlie wasn't around Sunday b/c he had to help with the Charlie Horse. I did about 8 loads of laundry. Kids entertained themselves with the new pool. Monday, Charlie and Lily went for a bike ride while Luke and I hung out at the dock. Lots of people on the river canoeing and kayaking today. Fabulous hamburgers and homemade french fries for lunch. Kiddie pool in the afternoon. So greatful for all veterans, soldiers, and their families who have sacrficied so much for our great country.

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