Monday, June 21, 2010

6-21-2010 Monday, Monday

Hot out there today. Not that I was out in it much. I worked today, in the A/C.

 Mom and Dad had the kids and took them to Knoebles  and then for Chinese. They didn't get home until 7pm.

While I was home alone I sat out on the kitchen porch with the kittens. They're starting to explore and just figured out how to climb out of their basket.

Charlie hooked the sprinkler up in the garden tonight. It's only the 2nd time we've had to use it this season. We're supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon, but it's too hot to wait that long for the rain to come give everything a drink.

Dad gave us 4 more boxes of strawberries. Shortcake for breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. Yippee!

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