Wednesday, June 30, 2010

6-30-2010 Gorgeous Day!

Woke up this morning and it was actually chilly out! The high today topped off in the 70's with low humidity and a great breeze. Perfect!

Kathy had the kids today and they went swimming with the Bailey kids, Luke and Emma. They tell me they had a great time.

I went shopping to Sal Val after work. Picked up a fabulous pair of jammie pants for $2.50. I also bought 2 stainless steel bowls to use as the cats' water dishes.

Then I went to Sam's Club and Redners' for groceries. It is so much easier to shop by myself. Very proud of myself for making good use of my time.

Got everything put away and still had about an hour to myself before Charlie and the kids got home. I read the entire paper in a silence. Can't tell you the last time I was able to do that.

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