Monday, April 11, 2011

4-11-2011 Updates on Us

Charlie is still not back to 100% healthy. Although, really, is he ever 100% healthy? But, he's still having vertigo and lethargy and blocked ears.

Lily seems to be 95% back to baseline. She had a coughing spell last night, but I think it was because she was bundled up under too many blankets and got too hot.

Luke is fine. As am I. Knock on wood.

Both kids came home on Friday with great report cards. We celebrated with McDonald's for supper.

Today we reached a high of about 80 degrees. I thought it felt too hot. Summer is my least favorite season and today felt a lot like summer. Tomorrow we're supposed to have rain and temp's in the 50's. That's more like it.

I'm hoping to have a job interview tomorrow at St. Joe's for a patient outcome coordinator position. It's full-time day shift Monday through Friday, no weekends or holidays. I strongly believe the outcome is in God's hands. I have mixed feelings about working full-time. On the other hand, it's pretty nerve wracking knowing Charlie only has work lined up for the next week or so. And we've been living that way for the past couple of years. I feel like sooner or later that work luck is going to run out. So, I'll interview and see how it goes.

Kids' spring soccer should start this week or next. I think tomorrow will be rained out. Neither kid is really excited about starting soccer. I think that will change once they actually start playing.

Charlie and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary Saturday. Kathy kept the kids for the day and we ran around doing shopping errands. I made us fabulous hamburgers for lunch. We both agreed they were better than anything we would have had at a restaurant. We went to the library and got some good books and DVDs to enjoy.

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