Sunday, April 24, 2011

4-24-2011 Happy Easter

Happy Easter! We had an absolutely gorgeous Easter day here. The Easter Bunny brought the kids new bikes. They're big kid bikes. I don't think either one of the kids is particularly thrilled with them. For 1 thing, they have hand brakes. For another thing, Lily can barely touch the ground with her toes. Charlie assures me they'll both grow into them in about a month.

Lunch was ham, mashed potaoes and salad. Unfortunately, we ate a bunch of cut out sugar cookies for breakfast and through out the morning. No guests, just us.

Dad came around 1 pm and took the kids to their place. All morning the kids couldn't wait for Dad to get here. I think they have big plans for P&J's. Incidently, they took their old bikes and new bikes along with them.

So now it's just me and Charlie at home. We mowed the lawn and cleaned out the barn and cleaned out the summer kitchen. Charlie declared it the best Easter ever....apparently getting work done ranks higher than getting candy with him.

This Easter was entirely candy-free!

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