Saturday, April 16, 2011

4-16-2011 Party for Charlie

Mom and Dad stopped in this afternoon and brought along a chocolate cake from Wally World for Charlie's upcoming birthday. It was quite good and we all enjoyed it. They were in our neck of the woods for dad to pick up a food dehydrator at Cabela's.

It's been monsoon-like conditions all day here. Just as P&J were leaving our power went out. It came back on a few minutes later and has been on ever since. Hopefully, the river will not flood.

Perfect day for comfort foods. I made a batch of red beans and ham in the crock pot and ham and beans on the stove.

I think I prefer rainy days to sunny days a lot of the time. There's something to be said for snuggling up with a good book while the wind rattles the windows and the rain comes down in buckets. I loved being snuggled up safe and sound inside.

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