Friday, May 27, 2011


We've had some pretty severe weather blow through our area lately. A second tornado was confirmed in Mom & Dad's neck of the woods. Thank God they're fine and the damage occurred miles away from them. Very scary. And we aren't really accustomed to living with the threat of deadly weather. It certainly makes us stop and give thanks for what's important...and it's not material things.

No big plans going in to Memorial Day Weekend. Charlie has a meeting with customer's tomorrow. Sunday he has to help his dad with the annual trail run. Monday he has to hunker down and do paperwork. Busy, busy, busy.

The kids were supposed to have their final soccer game tomorrow morning, but it was cancelled due to lack of players. I learned quite a bit about the unpredictability of weather this soccer season.

I'm hoping to get the garden planted tomorrow morning. Finally. It's too hot to go out there this evening. We actually just turned on the air conditioning for the 1st time this season. I hate the heat!

Lily has a rash on most of her body. Not sure what that's all about. she had it on her face last weekend. I pulled a tick off Luke the other day. I called the pediatrician's office and they said to just put antibiotic ointment on the area, which is red. Ugh.

I'll be happy if we all make it through this long weekend safe and healthy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Pretty quiet weekend around here. Well, for most of us. Poor little half tail had her surgery today to get fixed. She went this morning and came back this afternoon. She's still under the effects of the anesthesia. The kids let her out of the carrier and she's wobbling around the property. Poor little thing.

Charlie spent the day helping his dad prepare the trail for the Special Olympics race on their property next weekend.

Yesterday was perfect weather and we managed to get the whole property mowed. The sky was a gorgeous blue with lots of fluffy clouds. Very pretty and made more so by the lack of blue skies we've had around here lately.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


It's still raining here. It feels like this has been the rainiest spring we've had in a long time! The kids did not have soccer practice again this week. And it was actually supposed to be a game during practice time since the Saturday game was cancelled due to rain. As was the previous week's practice. Jeez.

The river is high, but not dangerously so. Hope it continues to be okay. My heart certainly goes out to all those effected by flooding along the Mississippi.

I went to the nursing home I'll be at next semester with the students to orient. Not a whole lot good to say about that experience. Long term care is not my thing.

Planning on making hamburgers for supper. It's Charlie & the kids' favorite meal. We need something to lift our spirits w/ all this dreary weather.

Lily & I went to our 1st Girl Scout Daisey mtg. last night. Neither one of us was overwhelmed w/ excitement. They colored name tags, then listened to a story, then colored a flower drawing. We're going every Wed. for the next 3 weeks. Hopefully, they were just starting us out slow.

The garden still isn't really planted. Just tomatoes, rosemary, bee balm, sage, parsley, & strawberries. i have lots of seed packs & basil plants to put in, but it's been too wet. Dad's planted enough for all of us, but I'd still like to get my own stuff in.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Cool and drizzley all day today. Absolutely perfect weather for gardening and yard work. The kids and I weeded and turned over the soil in the garden. Luke was a great help. Lily, not so much. I swear she was channeling Jill and Rachel. She didn't want to get dirty. It was too cool. It was too much work. She didn't know what were plants and what were weeds. Finally, after about 10 minutes, I sent her into the house to clean her room.

I spent much of the day mowing lawn. The grass was so high and damp I had to go in 1st gear. Charlie wasn't here except in the morning and at lunch. He rented a Dingo and was loading up huge tree pieces to bring here. The plan is to cut them in to managable pieces for the outdoor furnace when he has more time.

Soccer practice was cancelled this morning due to the rain/dampness. The kids didn't seem to mind at all. They made me very proud, playing together nicely while I was out mowing.

Hoping to plant the garden tomorrow, if it doesn't rain. Mom & Dad have almost all their plants planted, so I'm not even sure why I'm bothering. Dad has been buying seeds by the POUND for months now. Barring a catastrophe, they should have enough produce to feed a 3rd world country.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5-10-2011 Recap of Mother's Day

This past Sunday was Mother's Day. Luke and Lily each had a great handmade card for me from school. Lily had past gifts nicely arranged on the kitchen table for me Sunday morning.

We did some grocery shopping at WalMart and Sam's midmorning. We had nachoes for lunch. After lunch, Charlie and the kids went to his parents to drop a few construction things off. I stayed home and read a book outside on my rocking chair with a nice glass of wine beside me. It was heavenly.

When Charlie and the kids got home around supper time he informed me that he found out half way thru the visit that Rachel has bedbugs. Charlie and the kids stayed outside while I Googled what to do.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today was the river regatta. Charlie raced and took 3rd in his class. The trophy is a coffee mug which he is quite pleased with. He said 1st and 2nd place got sun visors he'd never wear, so 3rd place was best. We watched from the dock steps and cheered him on.

Note the goose floating along with him. Too funny.

The kids had their 2nd soccer game this morning. No major injuries, so I'm considering it a success. As long as they get exercise and fresh air and no one gets hurt, I think it's a major victory. I have no idea what the score was. I don't pay attention to that. Luke did kick in a goal for our team. I think it may have been the only goal we got. I took a bunch of pictures. It was great weather and so nice to be outside enjoying it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I got my hair cut today. Nothing too drastic, layers and bangs. I pulled it up into a ponytail on top of my head, just to see if I could. Lily looks at me and says, "Wow, Mom! You look like a hip young teenager!" Made my day!

Tonight we're going to school to play "The Brain Game." I think it's like Jeopardy for kids. Should be a hoot.