Monday, December 23, 2013
Thousands of carolers sing to terminally ill girl - We did not attend the caroling, but this story, so very heartbreaking, is on my mind almost constantly this holiday. Last year it was the Sandy Hook school shooting just before Christmas. It's as if God wants us to remember what is truly important this season. And it isn't gifts or the perfect holiday spread or the decorations or anything else commercial or material or superficial. It is love. It is family. It is health. It is a thankful heart.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
12-10-2013 Snow Day
We got about 4 or 5 inches of snow today. School was cancelled. Charlie is home sick with sinus infection, reactive airway disease, asthma flair-up. So we were all together for the day which was nice. I baked cookies. Luke shoveled the slate and driveway. We put more lights on the tree and more decorations around the house. The snow is gorgeous and the kids were out twice to play in it.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
For the 1st time in many, many years, I worked Thanksgiving. Charlie and the kids went to ThanksGibney without me. They came home starving, but otherwise fine. My day at work wasn't bad and I enjoyed the quiet time alone at home before they returned.
I have been experiencing low BP, tachycardia, shakiness, and blurred vision. All labs, physical and eye exam came back normal. I don't have as much energy as I normally would. This has caused a delay in elf gifts and decorating for Christmas. Normally, we decorate on Black Friday. No one wanted to this year. So, we didn't. I took fall decorations down yesterday. They're sitting in a tub in the hallway downstairs, waiting for someone to carry them to the attic. The Christmas decorations are in the attic, waiting for someone to carry them downstairs. I finally bought elf gift candy yesterday. So, elf gifts started this morning, minus the traditional elf gift stocking that would normally hang in my room. I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet.
I took Lily to the Chinese buffet for lunch yesterday. She ate 3 plates full of food then puked all over the passenger seat and floor of the minivan. Thankfully, Charlie was home to clean up the mess. Lily is fine, she said she was just too full. The car still stinks and I'm using baking soda to try to draw the stench out. Luke was horrified and hasn't been in the minivan since the incident. Luckily, he stayed home and wasn't witness to it. If that was the case, we'd probably never hear the end of it.
I have been experiencing low BP, tachycardia, shakiness, and blurred vision. All labs, physical and eye exam came back normal. I don't have as much energy as I normally would. This has caused a delay in elf gifts and decorating for Christmas. Normally, we decorate on Black Friday. No one wanted to this year. So, we didn't. I took fall decorations down yesterday. They're sitting in a tub in the hallway downstairs, waiting for someone to carry them to the attic. The Christmas decorations are in the attic, waiting for someone to carry them downstairs. I finally bought elf gift candy yesterday. So, elf gifts started this morning, minus the traditional elf gift stocking that would normally hang in my room. I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet.
I took Lily to the Chinese buffet for lunch yesterday. She ate 3 plates full of food then puked all over the passenger seat and floor of the minivan. Thankfully, Charlie was home to clean up the mess. Lily is fine, she said she was just too full. The car still stinks and I'm using baking soda to try to draw the stench out. Luke was horrified and hasn't been in the minivan since the incident. Luckily, he stayed home and wasn't witness to it. If that was the case, we'd probably never hear the end of it.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
11-13 - 2013 Snow Flurries
We had a few snow flurries blowing around yesterday morning before Lily was getting ready for school. Nothing stuck, but fun to see the first of the season flurries.
Charlie is going to coach one of the 3rd/4th grade girls' basketball teams this year. It should be a hoot. Lily is very excited….we'll see how long that lasts.
Luke is really into his Traxis remote control truck at the moment. It's all he talks about.
I'm meeting with his therapist this morning to discuss plans for helping Luke transition back into middle school, at least on some level.
Charlie is going to coach one of the 3rd/4th grade girls' basketball teams this year. It should be a hoot. Lily is very excited….we'll see how long that lasts.
Luke is really into his Traxis remote control truck at the moment. It's all he talks about.
I'm meeting with his therapist this morning to discuss plans for helping Luke transition back into middle school, at least on some level.
Monday, October 28, 2013
10-28-2013 Halloween's Around the Corner
Saturday morning while I was at work Charlie took the kids to the library for a Halloween party. It was just Like, Lily, and her friend Emma. They had enough pudding for 20 kids, so they each got to eat as much pudding as they wanted. Due to the lack of kids, Luke thought it was the best party he'd ever attended.
Yesterday afternoon, Emma's mom took Lily along to a "Trunk or Treat" event at a local church parking lot. Apparently people park in the lot and give out treats from the trunk of their car. This is a new concept, Lily seems to think it worked.
Wednesday I will meet with some staff to begin the process of helping Luke transition back into public school, since that's what he wants to do. I am concerned that he will regress back to the high anxiety he had in the past and so want to take it slow and do it right.
Thursday is Halloween and we do plan on going trick or treating to a local development, weather and health permitting.
Yesterday afternoon, Emma's mom took Lily along to a "Trunk or Treat" event at a local church parking lot. Apparently people park in the lot and give out treats from the trunk of their car. This is a new concept, Lily seems to think it worked.
Wednesday I will meet with some staff to begin the process of helping Luke transition back into public school, since that's what he wants to do. I am concerned that he will regress back to the high anxiety he had in the past and so want to take it slow and do it right.
Thursday is Halloween and we do plan on going trick or treating to a local development, weather and health permitting.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
10-15-2013 Where the heck have I been?
Just checked back in the blog to see the last time I posted....August 2nd, holy cow!
I can't believe I didn't post when the kids went back to school. Luke is in 5th grade, doing cyber school at home with me. Lily is in 4th grade, her teacher is Mrs. Miller. We had a pretty uneventful start to the school year. Luke and I struggled a bit the 1st week, especially since we only had online textbooks, but now we have the hang of things and are doing just fine. Luke has actually expressed interest in going back to public school. I take it as a sign of great progress. On the other hand, I am concerned that it will undo or reverse the progress we've made in the past year and a half. I've told Dr. Shoudt and she's going to help us devise a plan to ease him back in, one small step at a time.
Lily is going to learn to play the flute. She just brought it home last week. Right now she's at basketball sign ups with Charlie. She likes her teacher and seems to be pleased with most of the kids in her class. So far, so good. It's her last year in elementary school and I do believe she plans on enjoying it.
Work has been going well for Charlie. He spent the summer doing a custom home and enjoyed it for the most part. That's pretty much done and so he's back to doing various remodel jobs.
I am still enjoying my working every weekend. It is perfect for me and our family and I thank God for it.
Mom has been having concerns with high blood pressure. It started about 3 weeks ago. I took her last Tuesday for a renal doppler, which was negative. She's started on 100mg of cozaar and has a follow up appt. and labs in a month. Her pressure was as high as 240/120 and she and I were both quite concerned. Hopefully, the med's bring it under control.
Friday, August 2, 2013
8-2-2013 Apple store with Grandma
Charlie and I took Mom to the Apple store in Allentown today to buy a MacBook Pro. It was a LONG day.
Lily went home with Mom and Dad to go to yard sales tomorrow. She asked Mom to hook up wifi. Mom declined. Lily said, I asked her to do it and she went "kablamoh!" Too funny!
Lily went home with Mom and Dad to go to yard sales tomorrow. She asked Mom to hook up wifi. Mom declined. Lily said, I asked her to do it and she went "kablamoh!" Too funny!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Well, I for one, can not believe today is the last day of July! This summer is flying by. We went to Root's Auction yesterday with P&J. Mom retired, her last day at work was this past Sunday. I don't think it's sunk in with any of us just yet. Lily went home with them from Root's for a sleepover. She'll come back Friday morning when Charlie and I take Mom to the Apple store to buy a laptop. It will be their 1st computer. EVER! This past week they had Dish Network installed for satellite TV and DSL installed for internet access. They sure are moving forward....FINALLY!
Charlie is busy building a house in Lehigh County for a lovely young couple. We are thrilled to have the work.
I'm absolutely loving working every weekend. It's great to be home with the kids during the week and just as great to be back at the bedside doing nursing care. I am a happy camper!
Charlie is busy building a house in Lehigh County for a lovely young couple. We are thrilled to have the work.
I'm absolutely loving working every weekend. It's great to be home with the kids during the week and just as great to be back at the bedside doing nursing care. I am a happy camper!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
6-6-2013 Last Day of School!
I can not believe it's the last day of school! I do not think Lily is ready for it. She was snapping at everyone last night and teared up over nothing a few times. Luckily, her teacher gave them a class yearbook with phone numbers and email addresses. Hopefully, she can stay in touch with classmates through the summer.
We will celebrate the end of school by going to the Chinese buffet for lunch. Lily TOLD me that's what we're doing.
I worked my 1st weekend last weekend. Felt good about it and think working every weekend will be a great fit for our family. I enjoy the 2 days in a row, but then like having the week off to 'recover' as well.
I need to get into the garden and get planting. Last week was too hot. This week I've been too busy. Tomorrow is going to be rainy, so I hope to get in today.
Charlie has been extremely busy with work. That feels great. Better the phone be ringing off the hook than not at all!
We will celebrate the end of school by going to the Chinese buffet for lunch. Lily TOLD me that's what we're doing.
I worked my 1st weekend last weekend. Felt good about it and think working every weekend will be a great fit for our family. I enjoy the 2 days in a row, but then like having the week off to 'recover' as well.
I need to get into the garden and get planting. Last week was too hot. This week I've been too busy. Tomorrow is going to be rainy, so I hope to get in today.
Charlie has been extremely busy with work. That feels great. Better the phone be ringing off the hook than not at all!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
I just finished 2 weeks of full-time orientation. Wow, was that hard! I came home exhausted these past few afternoons. So glad to be done the M-F part of orientation. Now I'm off this weekend and the coming week. I'll have next weekend orientation and then be on my own.
Charlie took Lily to and from school all week, including yesterday which was a 1/2 day. Luke went along with him to job sites and helped out or hung out.
We made it. I'll be spending today getting caught up on laundry, cleaning, groceries, etc.
I have a whole new respect for households in which both parents work full-time. I don't know how they do it.
Charlie took Lily to and from school all week, including yesterday which was a 1/2 day. Luke went along with him to job sites and helped out or hung out.
We made it. I'll be spending today getting caught up on laundry, cleaning, groceries, etc.
I have a whole new respect for households in which both parents work full-time. I don't know how they do it.
Monday, May 13, 2013
5-13-2013 Mother's Day Review
I had a very enjoyable Mother's Day this year. It started out with Lily delivering cards to me in bed. Then Charlie and the kids went to Dunkin Donuts and brought me back munchkins and coffee. After breakfast and the paper all 4 of us went outside for some manual labor. We helped Charlie clean up aside of the barn and in his truck. I also mowed the back 40 and cleaned up the kitchen.
For lunch we had spaghetti and salad. Then the kids and I headed to Mom and Dad's, while Charlie stayed here to finish up some tasks.
At P&J's we went for a 1.5 mile walk/bike ride. The cat, Mr. Fluffy, had 3 kittens the kids thoroughly enjoyed. Then we helped them cover all their strawberry plants since the forecast was for frost last night. By the time we got the plants covered, it was supper time. We had leftover ham, cheese, apples, crackers, mushroom salad, and pickles. Then everyone but me had some ice cream.
We arrived back home just in time for bed.
I am so grateful we all have our health and were able to enjoy the nice weather, together, getting some much needed work done. A productive day, is a good day, and especially appropriate on Mother's Day!
For lunch we had spaghetti and salad. Then the kids and I headed to Mom and Dad's, while Charlie stayed here to finish up some tasks.
At P&J's we went for a 1.5 mile walk/bike ride. The cat, Mr. Fluffy, had 3 kittens the kids thoroughly enjoyed. Then we helped them cover all their strawberry plants since the forecast was for frost last night. By the time we got the plants covered, it was supper time. We had leftover ham, cheese, apples, crackers, mushroom salad, and pickles. Then everyone but me had some ice cream.
We arrived back home just in time for bed.
I am so grateful we all have our health and were able to enjoy the nice weather, together, getting some much needed work done. A productive day, is a good day, and especially appropriate on Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
5-8-2013 GREAT News x 2 Today!
Wonderful news today! I have been hired for a weekend position at the facility where I first started my nursing career. I am so excited to be going back there. This time on their rehab. unit.
The other great news we got today is that a young couple Charlie has been working with has been approved by their bank to build a custom home with us.
Wonderful day!
The other great news we got today is that a young couple Charlie has been working with has been approved by their bank to build a custom home with us.
Wonderful day!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Great Spring weather we've been having.
We started watching Luke's friend Tyler after school until about 8pm 2 or 3 evenings a week. This was week 1, so far so good. Tyler does little league and karate, so it's more running around than we are accustomed to.
Charlie is finishing up an addition and hoping to start a house by the end of this month.
We started watching Luke's friend Tyler after school until about 8pm 2 or 3 evenings a week. This was week 1, so far so good. Tyler does little league and karate, so it's more running around than we are accustomed to.
Charlie is finishing up an addition and hoping to start a house by the end of this month.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
4-9-2013 Our 11th Wedding Anniversary
Today is our 11th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, we are not spending it together. Charlie has a carpentry committee meeting this evening.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
3-31-2013 Easter
I am spending Easter alone. I have a cold, complete with sore throat, ear ache, and overall lethargy. Charlie left with the kids about an hour ago to go to my parents. We were supposed to have Easter here, but decided on a change of plans this morning. I think the kids are going to sleep overnight there and I'll get them sometime tomorrow.
The Easter Bunny did manage to fill the baskets last evening, even though both kids were awake in their beds upstairs. Lily got a couple of tee shirts, cash and pair of capris. Luke got k'nex pieces, sparklers, and cash. Both got candy, gum, and a case of Propel flavored water. Charlie will share the candy and Propel with the kids.
It's cloudy, the wind is picking up and it should start raining any minute now. We hung out together this morning in the living room watching Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond on Netflix. I'm now tucked in bed.
The Easter Bunny did manage to fill the baskets last evening, even though both kids were awake in their beds upstairs. Lily got a couple of tee shirts, cash and pair of capris. Luke got k'nex pieces, sparklers, and cash. Both got candy, gum, and a case of Propel flavored water. Charlie will share the candy and Propel with the kids.
It's cloudy, the wind is picking up and it should start raining any minute now. We hung out together this morning in the living room watching Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond on Netflix. I'm now tucked in bed.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
3-20-2013 Decisions, Decisions
I am feeling quite conflicted about what to do with myself professionally. On one hand, I want to pursue what has been a long-time goal and open my own nurse advocate business. On the other hand, I feel like I should become employed as a staff nurse by a big, stable corporation and start bringing home my fair share of the bacon (and health benefits). Ugh...what to do, what to do.
I'm actually working on both. I did not get the float position I'd interviewed for, but I am continuing to apply for jobs I think would fit our life. In the meantime, I am planning how I want to lay out a nurse advocate business and doing research to that end.
Time will tell. I haven't been sleeping well and our finances are heavy on my mind.
I'm actually working on both. I did not get the float position I'd interviewed for, but I am continuing to apply for jobs I think would fit our life. In the meantime, I am planning how I want to lay out a nurse advocate business and doing research to that end.
Time will tell. I haven't been sleeping well and our finances are heavy on my mind.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
3-8-2013 Typical Friday Night
Charlie and Lily are at the end of season girl's basketball party at the coach's house.
Luke and I are home, each enjoying a screen in our own bedroom.
Wind is howling outside.
Squirrels are running around in the attic and chimney.
Luke and I are home, each enjoying a screen in our own bedroom.
Wind is howling outside.
Squirrels are running around in the attic and chimney.
Friday, February 22, 2013
2-22-2013 Humble Pie
I had a job interview this week and do not feel it went well at all. Very humbling for me. I thought the hospital would welcome me back with open arms. Turns out they do not believe I have enough recent experience. I'm keeping the faith that God has a plan for me and our family. funny thing is that I didn't really want to work full-time night shift...until they didn't want me. Now it feels like such a blow to my ego.
Lily is winding up her first basketball season. She has a game this evening and another tomorrow morning. The forecast is for freezing rain, so hopefully we can be home safe and sound before that starts.
Luke had a play date with his friend Tyler on Monday since they were off for President's Day. I'm happy he is doing so much better with cyber school and the social pressure being off of him.
Charlie is doing an attic remodel and will then begin a master bedroom addition for a classmate of his from high school. Very thankful he has work.
Lily is winding up her first basketball season. She has a game this evening and another tomorrow morning. The forecast is for freezing rain, so hopefully we can be home safe and sound before that starts.
Luke had a play date with his friend Tyler on Monday since they were off for President's Day. I'm happy he is doing so much better with cyber school and the social pressure being off of him.
Charlie is doing an attic remodel and will then begin a master bedroom addition for a classmate of his from high school. Very thankful he has work.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
2-17-2013 Facing Death | FRONTLINE | PBS
Facing Death | FRONTLINE | PBS...Excellent show about death and dying in America today....
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
2-5-2013 Luke's in the Double Digits Now!
Luke had a low-key birthday yesterday, just like he wanted. We dropped Lily off at school then went shopping for a Wii game. He chose Harry Potter Lego years 5-7. We also bought sushi rolls and croissants (which he calls ka-zams) since they're his favorites and he DID NOT want to go out to eat.
We came home from shopping mid morning and he spent the rest of the day playing the new game.
P&J called and sang happy birthday to him complete with meowing and purring. That made him smile from ear to ear.
We came home from shopping mid morning and he spent the rest of the day playing the new game.
P&J called and sang happy birthday to him complete with meowing and purring. That made him smile from ear to ear.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
2-3-2013 No Party, No Problem!
Luke did not want to have his 10th birthday party this weekend. He did not want it on Saturday because lily had a basketball game at noon. His reasoning was that if the grandparents went to the game and saw Lily play, it would steal some of the thunder from his party. He did not want the party today because it snowed last night and is supposed to snow again this evening. That on top of it being Super Bowl Sunday persuaded him that the grandparents should not be on the roads. Perhaps we will try to have a party in 2 weeks when Mom is off again.
I always get a bit sentimental when it's the kids birthdays. I find myself reminiscing about what stage of pregnancy or labor I was in at this time of the day 10 years ago.
Poor Ben has broken his tibia and fibula. He fell while walking on Wednesday and Kathy took him for x-rays yesterday. He's in a cast and using a walker to get around. He isn't in any pain because he has neuropathy...which is why they didn't realize he had a fracture in the first place.
We are planning on watching the Super Bowl online this evening. I suppose we'll pile onto our bed and see what we can see. I told the kids they could stay up until 8 pm. We'll see if any of us make it that long. They were outside with Charlie for a few hours this morning loading and stacking firewood. Between the cold, snow, and manual labor, I don't expect them to last long.
I always get a bit sentimental when it's the kids birthdays. I find myself reminiscing about what stage of pregnancy or labor I was in at this time of the day 10 years ago.
Poor Ben has broken his tibia and fibula. He fell while walking on Wednesday and Kathy took him for x-rays yesterday. He's in a cast and using a walker to get around. He isn't in any pain because he has neuropathy...which is why they didn't realize he had a fracture in the first place.
We are planning on watching the Super Bowl online this evening. I suppose we'll pile onto our bed and see what we can see. I told the kids they could stay up until 8 pm. We'll see if any of us make it that long. They were outside with Charlie for a few hours this morning loading and stacking firewood. Between the cold, snow, and manual labor, I don't expect them to last long.
Monday, January 28, 2013
1-28-2013 Snow Day!
We had a good weekend. Lily had a play date with her friend Emma on Saturday. I got a lot of the house cleaned during that time. Luke had a play date with his friend Tyler yesterday. That was after Lily's basketball game.
Today we have a snow day! It just started snowing, but they are calling for snow through the morning then changing to ice in the afternoon before finally ending as rain. I think the schools made the right choice in closing. Both kids are currently enjoying screen time (as am I). We'll have to see if they can go outside to play in the snow. It's not as bitter cold as it has been the past number of days.
I've juiced all the oranges, clementines, and mandarins I'd gotten at Root's Auction last week. I do still have 2 bags of lemons and 2 bags of apples. We'll have to see how the weather is tomorrow. I may make another trip there to stock up again on healthy produce. Unfortunately, Lily only likes the clementine juice. I was hoping she'd like all forms of juice since she's the least healthy eater in the family.
Luke's birthday is coming up next week. I've offered him the activity of his choice to celebrate. He's leaning towards a family party with both sets of grandparents only. Not a problem. Of course, many of his parties get rescheduled due to weather and or health issues. Such is the life for one born in February I suppose.
Today we have a snow day! It just started snowing, but they are calling for snow through the morning then changing to ice in the afternoon before finally ending as rain. I think the schools made the right choice in closing. Both kids are currently enjoying screen time (as am I). We'll have to see if they can go outside to play in the snow. It's not as bitter cold as it has been the past number of days.
I've juiced all the oranges, clementines, and mandarins I'd gotten at Root's Auction last week. I do still have 2 bags of lemons and 2 bags of apples. We'll have to see how the weather is tomorrow. I may make another trip there to stock up again on healthy produce. Unfortunately, Lily only likes the clementine juice. I was hoping she'd like all forms of juice since she's the least healthy eater in the family.
Luke's birthday is coming up next week. I've offered him the activity of his choice to celebrate. He's leaning towards a family party with both sets of grandparents only. Not a problem. Of course, many of his parties get rescheduled due to weather and or health issues. Such is the life for one born in February I suppose.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Not much beyond the status quo going on around here. We had colds last week. Lily has started playing basketball and is enjoying it. Luke had a play date with his friend Tyler this afternoon. Charlie hauled wood to the outdoor furnace. I cleaned and cooked. Not much going on.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
1-1-2013 New Year
I think we set a personal record with bedtimes last night. We were each tucked in our respective beds by 5:30 pm. Lily was hanging up clothes, then listening to her iPod. Luke was using Charlie's iPad. Charlie, who has a cold, and I were watching The West Wing on the MacBook Pro in our bed.
I asked Lily this morning what her favorite part of 2012 was. She said vacation at Ocean City, MD.
I asked Luke what his favorite part of last year was, but he wouldn't give an answer. I, personally, think starting cyber school was the best thing that happened to him last year.
I'm drawing a blank on any one, big thing that would qualify as a 'best' for my 2012. I think we were very blessed in terms of good health. I think we were fortunate that I was able to leave my job as a nursing instructor and stay home with Luke for cyber school. It always feels like a bit of a miracle when Charlie's business is able to support us through another year. So, looking back on 2012, I'd say the best part about it is that we made it through unscathed, healthy and together.
Charlie is still in bed. I'll have to get his take on 2012 later today. He did mention last night that he did not look back on it as a banner year.
We do not do resolutions. Better to try anew each day to do our best.
I asked Lily this morning what her favorite part of 2012 was. She said vacation at Ocean City, MD.
I asked Luke what his favorite part of last year was, but he wouldn't give an answer. I, personally, think starting cyber school was the best thing that happened to him last year.
I'm drawing a blank on any one, big thing that would qualify as a 'best' for my 2012. I think we were very blessed in terms of good health. I think we were fortunate that I was able to leave my job as a nursing instructor and stay home with Luke for cyber school. It always feels like a bit of a miracle when Charlie's business is able to support us through another year. So, looking back on 2012, I'd say the best part about it is that we made it through unscathed, healthy and together.
Charlie is still in bed. I'll have to get his take on 2012 later today. He did mention last night that he did not look back on it as a banner year.
We do not do resolutions. Better to try anew each day to do our best.
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